Dripta Dutta, Ph.D.

JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow


Dripta Dutta, Ph.D.

JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Curriculum vitae

Research Institute of Frontier Science & Technology

Okayama University of Science

Dripta Dutta, Ph.D.

JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Research Institute of Frontier Science & Technology

Okayama University of Science


Journal articles

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In review

Arao M., Imayama T., Sawada Y., Yagi K., Siddiqui RH. & Dutta D. Magmatic and metamorphic evolution of the Late Cretaceous Muslim Bagh Ophiolite, western Pakistan: Implications for ridge subduction after subduction initiation. International Geology Review.


 (*corresponding author)

1st author: 05; co-author: 05

---- 2024 ----

[10]  Imayama T.*, Dutta D. & Yi K. (2024) The origin of the ultrahigh-pressure Tso Morari Complex, NW Himalaya: Implication for Early Paleozoic rifting. Geological Magazine, 160 (11), pp. 1975-1982. (Link - open access)

---- 2023 ----

[9] Sikdar A., Dutta D. & Misra S.* (2023) Superplastic deformation inside the knife-sharp shear bands in mid-crustal granites. Journal of Structural Geology, 177.  (Link) (EarthArXiv)

---- 2022 ----

[8]  Biswas T., Bose N., Dutta D. & Mukherjee S.* (2022) Arc-parallel shears in collisional orogens: Global review and paleostress analyses from the NW Lesser Himalayan Sequence (Garhwal region, Uttarakhand, India). Marine & Petroleum Geology, 138 (Link) (EarthArXiv)

[7] Dutta D., Misra S.* & Karmakar S. (2022) Deformation mechanisms and characteristics of the meta-BIFs from an early Proterozoic shear system of the Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT), India. Journal of Structural Geology, 156 (Link) (EarthArXiv)
---- 2021 ----
[6] Dutta D., Misra S.* & Mainprice D. (2021) Syn-shearing deformation mechanisms of minerals in partially molten metapelites. Geophysical Research Letters, 48 (Link)  (EarthArXiv)

[5] Dutta D.* & Mukherjee S. (2021) Extrusion kinematics of UHP terrane in a collisional orogen: EBSD and microstructure-based approach from the Tso Morari Crystallines (Ladakh Himalaya). Tectonophysics, 800 (Link)
---- 2020 ----
[4] Bose N., Dutta D. & Mukherjee S.* (2020) Refraction of micro-fractures due to shear-induced mechanical stratigraphy in a low-grade meta-sedimentary rock. Journal of Structural Geology, 133 (Link)
---- 2019 ----
[3] Dutta D. & Mukherjee S.* (2019) Opposite shear senses: Geneses, global occurrences, numerical simulations and a case study from the Indian Western Himalaya. Journal of Structural Geology, 126, pp. 357-392 (Link)
[2] Dutta D., Biswas T. & Mukherjee S.* (2019) Arc-parallel compression in NW Himalaya: Evidence from structural and palaeostress studies of brittle deformation from the clasts of the Upper Siwalik, Uttarakhand, India. Journal of Earth System Science, 128 (Link)

---- 2018 ----

[1] Bose N., Dutta D. & Mukherjee S.* (2018) Role of grain-size in phyllonitisation: Insights from mineralogy, microstructures, strain analyses and numerical modeling. Journal of Structural Geology, 112, pp. 39-52 (Link


[1] Mukherjee S., Bose N., Ghosh R., Dutta D., Misra A. A., Kumar M., Dasgupta S., Biswas T., Joshi A. & Limaye M. (2020) Structural Geological Atlas. Springer Singapore. pp. 621. ISBN: 978-981-13-9825-4 (Link

Book chapters / Technical reports

1st author: 02; co-author: 02

---- 2022 ----
[4]  Sato A., Imayama T. & Dutta D. (2022) Chemical composition and zoning of amphibole from igneous rocks of the Nidar Ophiolite in northwestern India. Bulletin of Institute of Frontiers in Science & Technology, Okayama University of Science, Vol. 3. (Link)

[3] Dutta D., Maji V., Abdullah S. & Misra S. (2022) Application of Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) method in Earth Sciences. In:  Biswas K, Sri S, and Gurao N (Eds.), Electron Microscopy in Science and Engineering. Directions, IIT Kanpur. Vol. 6, pp. 61-70. Springer Nature. ISBN: 978-981-16-5100-7 (Link)
---- 2021 ----
[2] Dutta D. & Mukherjee S. (2021) Introduction to Structural Geology & Tectonics Field Guidebook. In: Mukherjee., S (Ed). Structural Geology & Tectonics Field Guidebook – Volume I. Switzerland AG: Springer Nature Cham. pp. xi-xvi. ISBN: 978-3-030-60142-3 (Link)
---- 2019 ----
[1] Imayama T. & Dutta D. (2019) Research report of the Tso Morari ultra-high pressure metamorphic complex in Ladakh, NW India. Bulletin of Institute of Frontiers in Science & Technology, Okayama University of Science, 1, pp. 49-52 (Link)

Conference abstracts

(* presenting author)
1st author: 05; co-author: 08
[13]  Arao M., Imayama T*., Sawada Y., Yagi K., Siddiqui RH. & Dutta D. (2024) Magmatic and metamorphic evolution of the Late Cretaceous Muslim Bagh Ophiolite, western Pakistan: Implications for ridge subduction after subduction initiation. International Geological Congress 2024

[12] Parvez N*., Yashwanth A., Chakraborty S., Dutta D. & Mamtani M. (2024) Some important observations from microstructural analysis of the quartz-rich mylonites of the Main Central thrust from Sikkim, eastern Himalaya (Poster). In:  Deformation Mechanisms, Processes And Fabric Analysis In Earth Materials From The Global To The Nano Scale – Methods And Applications. IASGT Workshop 2024, pp. 148-151 (Link)
[11] Imayama T*., Sato A., Dutta D., Kaneda Y., Watanabe S., Hasegawa T., Minami M., Wakasugi Y., Wakaki S. & Yi K. (2023) Magmatic response to the subduction initiation of Early Cretaceous Nidar Ophiolite Complex, eastern Ladakh, NW Himalaya (Talk). In session: GD4.2 – Initiation and evolution of subduction: dynamics, volatiles and melts from the surface to the deep mantle. EGU General Assembly 2023 (Link)

[10] Dutta D*., Imayama I. & Yi K. (2022)  Early Paleozoic rift-related magmatic origin of the Tso Morari Complex (NW Indian Himalayas) and the protolithic diversity of the Himalayan high and ultrahigh-pressure rocks  (V42D-0102, Poster). AGU Fall Meeting 2022 (Link)

[9] Sikdar A*., Dutta D. & Misra S. (2022)  What Causes Shear Band Widening? – an EBSD Based Analysis (MR15A-04, Talk). AGU Fall Meeting 2022 (Link)

[8] Sato A*., Imayama T., Dutta D., Kaneda Y., Watanabe S., Hasegawa T., Minami A., Wakasugi Y. & Wakaki S. (2021) Petrological and geochemical studies of igneous rocks in the Nidar ophiolite complex, northwest India (Talk). Mineralogical Society of Japan Meeting 2021, virtual

[7] Sato A*., Imayama T. & Dutta D. (2021) Multiple igneous activities recorded in the Nidar Ophiolite Complex, eastern Ladakh (Poster). Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021, virtual

[6] Dutta D*., Misra S. & Karmakar S. (2021) Deformation mechanisms of the meta-BIFs from an early Proterozoic shear system of the Southern Granulite Terrane. Rock Deformation & Structures - VI 2021, virtual (Link)
[5] Dutta D*., Misra S., and Mainprice D. (2021) Understanding deformation behavior of lower crustal rocks from experimentally deformed metapelitic aggregate: an EBSD-based approach. In session: TS2.1. Deformation mechanisms and microstructures. EGU General Assembly 2021, virtual, EGU21-14101 (Link
[4] Dutta D*. & Mukherjee S. (2019) Opposite shear senses: A comprehensive review of geneses, global occurrences, and a case study (Poster). In Session: T73. Structural Geology in the 21st Century: Rheology of Naturally Deformed Rocks. GSA Annual Meeting 2019, 51(5) (Link
[3] Dutta D*. & Mukherjee S. (2017) Structural and mineralogical studies of the Tso Morari Dome: Insight into the deformation kinematics of the eclogitic gneiss, Ladakh Himalaya, India (T33C-0743, Poster). AGU Fall Meeting 2017 (Link
[2] Bose N*., Dutta D. & Mukherjee S. (2016) Quantification of competency contrast from refraction of shear-induced micro-fractures in meta-sedimentary rock, Gangori Shear Zone, Bhagirathi river section, NW Indian Lesser Himalaya (MR51B-2701, Poster). AGU Fall Meeting 2016 (Link
[1] Biswas T., Dutta D. & Mukherjee S*. (2014) Tectonics of Siwalik Himalaya in Dehradun-Roorkee section, India (Poster). In Session: T23. Exploring the Development of the Himalayan-Karakorum- Tibet Orogenic System from the Mantle to Mountain Peaks. GSA Annual Meeting 2014, 46(6), pp. 573 (Link

Photo articles

 [6] Dutta D. (2016) Opposite ductile shear senses (Tso Morari Dome, Ladakh Himalaya, India). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 106, pp. 237-238 (Link)
[5] Biswas T. & Dutta D. (2016) Broken pebble with small-scale brittle reverse-fault with top-to-SSE. Photograph of the month. Journal of Structural Geology, 85, pp. iii (Link)
[4] Dutta D. (2015) Plan view of a sinistral strike-slip faulted pebble. Mukherjee S (Ed) Atlas of Structural Geology. Elsevier. pp. 87
[3] Dutta D. (2015) Sub-vertical fault plane cuts across the quartzite pebble within a conglomerate bed, Siwalik Supergroup. Mukherjee S (Ed) Atlas of Structural Geology. Elsevier. pp. 88
[2] Dutta D. (2015) SE-dipping sub-parallel curved fault planes within a single quartzite pebble. Mukherjee S (Ed) Atlas of Structural Geology. Elsevier. pp. 88
[1] Dutta D. (2015) A N-dipping sub-vertical fault plane cut across quartzite pebble. Atlas of Structural Geology, Ed. Soumyajit Mukherjee. Elsevier. pp. 89

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